Current Characteristic for Support Strategic Fisheries and Marine Activities in Weh Island, Aceh

Kategori: Artikel Litbang 2020 Dibuat: Senin, 08 Jun 2020 Diterbitkan: Senin, 08 Jun 2020 Ditulis oleh Koko Ondara


Weh Island, Aceh


Weh Island is an island located on the Province of Aceh. 16 villages from 18 Sub-district in Sabang Island are in coastal areas, thus the community's dependence on marine and fisheries is very high. With the production of tuna fish 934,27 tons/year, skipjack 650,25 tons/year and tuna 631,70 tons/year (MMAF, 2017) can be used as one of the productions in the fisheries and marine sector that can be used as a flagship in Weh Island.

One of the supporting factors for strategic fisheries and marine activities is the well managed port. There are 8 ports of TPI (Fish Landing Place) and 1 port of PPI (Indonesian Fisheries Port) spread over Weh Island (MMAF, 2017). One of the ports located in the south of Weh Island is in Keunekai and Ie Meeule on the north side. This port is located in a strategic position because it is located between Weh Island and the mainland of Sumatra. In addition to its strategic position, the area around the port also has the potential to be developed into one of the aquaculture areas

Current Characteristic in Ie Meulee
Current velocity measured at 5 different depths is divided into 5 cells, namely cell 1 at a depth of 3,5 m; cell 2 at a depth of 5,5 m; cell 3 at a depth of 7,5 m; cell 4 at a depth of 9,5 meters, cell 5 at a depth of 11 meters and cell 6 at a depth of 12,5 meters. Surface velocity (cell 1) ranges from 1,5-85,6 cm/s, the current velocity in the water column (cell 3) ranges between 0,4-75,4 cm/s, near-base current velocity (cell 5) ranges from 0.30 to 55 cm/s.


Ie meulee Current rose at 5 different depth (a) surface waters, (b) 3 m, (c) 5 m, (d) 7 m and (e) 10 m


Current velocity values in the water and base columns range from 0,3 – 83,2 cm/s and an average of 19,03 cm/s. Based on the dominant direction of currents that occur in the column and bottom of the waters, generally towards the Northwest and Southeast. The current direction is quite unique, because it moves parallel to the coastline, and is different from the general condition of the current generated by tides, where when the direction of the current goes to the land and at low tide it goes out (the open sea). On the surface of these waters, current velocities range from 1,1 – 96,4 cm/s and an average of 37,67 cm/sec. The current value of the surface of the water is greater than the velocity of the water column and the base current. This shows that the influence of wind which is quite dominant also occurs in these waters, more influential than the effect of the pressure gradient on current events. As seen in Figures 6 and 7, where the current velocity pattern occurs, such as sea level change conditions. If the current pattern in a water shows a fluctuating pattern following tides, then tidal currents are the dominant currents occurring in these waters. In addition to the pattern of the velocity of the ocean currents, it is also observe the occurrence that when going to low tide or when going to the peak water level the current velocity becomes larger. Tanto et al (2017) mentions that for a moment going to ebb and shortly to the tide, the speed condition of ocean currents can be maximum.

Current Characteristic in Keunekai
Current velocity measured at 5 different depths is divided into 5 cells, namely cell 1 at a depth of 1,5 m; cell 2 at a depth of 3,5 m; cell 3 at a depth of 5,5 m; cell 4 at a depth of 7,5 meters and cell 5 at a depth of 11 meters. Surface velocity (cell 1) ranges from 1,9-8,26 cm/s, current velocity in the water column (cell 3) ranges between 1,7-88,8 cm/s, current velocity near the base (cell 5) ranges from 0,30 to 64,90 cm/s.



Keunekai Current rose at 5 different depth (a) surface waters, (b) 3 m, (c) 5 m, (d) 7 m and (e) 10 m

At the measurement date of March 14, 2017 at 3:00 p.m using Automatic Wheather Station (AWS), a current velocity anomaly is likely to be affected by the storm surge that occurred at that time, so that the current velocity reaches 8,5 m/s. The deeper the velocity of the current begins to decrease and does not spread, it indicates that the influence of the wind will decrease along with the increase in the depth of the water, besides the influence of the basic obstacles and density also affects the vertical distribution of currents in the waters.


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